
Let’s Make Babies & Money

Jun 28, 2017

The first ReproUnion debate on Folkemødet —with the title of “Let’s Make Babies & Money” – was between Per Cantor, Senior Vice President of Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Lars Gaardhøj of the Social Democratic Party, Chairman of the Business and Growth Committee in the Capital Region of Denmark, Michael Vedsø.

The moderator of the debate was journalist and TV host, Martin Breum.

It took place on June 16, 2017  and was hosted in collaboartion with the European Commission’s  Represenation in Denmark and was a debate about what the EU’s overall investment plan looks like in practice. Among other topics, the debate discussed why the decreasing number of fertility is a challenge for Europe? How do we secure fertility – now and in the future? How do we get world-class fertility research and treatment?

On behalf of ReproUnion Management Unit, we would like to thank our speakers and special guests. We appreciate you for taking the time and effort to be there. We hope that our ReproUnion events on next year’s Folkemødet will be just as successful.


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