On February 1st, 2018, ReproUnion held the very first Research Seminar of this year at Medicon Valley Alliance. Around 30 participants joined the seminar. We want to thank our participants for attending the ReproUnion Research Seminar.
A big thank you to our junior speakers Linn Salto Mamsen, Yahia Al-Jebari and Dorota Trzybulska for delivering great presentations. And a special thanks to our fantastic senior speaker, Bernard Jégou, Senior Scientist at Inserm and Director of Irset in France for his outstanding presentation. Thank you to all the speakers for sharing their latest research and expertise.
Finally, we would like to thank Professor Aleksander Giwercman for being the chairman of the research seminar.
Stay tuned for upcoming ReproUnion Research Seminars in 2018 here or on our website: www.reprounion.ea
For more info contact info@reprounion.eu
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