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ReproUnion Researchers at the BII Summerschool!
Five of our brilliant ReproUnion researchers are diving deep into the BII Summerschool: Innovation and Commercialisation of Your Life Science Projects.

Sperm Crises
Folkemødet 2024 proved to be an incredible setting for discussions on infertility and equality in fertility treatment. The need to focus on the male cause of infertility was highlighted as an action...

Engage with ReproUnion at Folkemødet
Come join us to learn more about how ReproUnion aim at patient centered care for infertile patients through the establishment of an Innovation platform and projects run in close collaboration...

Interreg-project make the dream of having children come true
Interreg contributes to creating life. A claim that hold truth when talking about the cross boarder ReproUnion project.

It’s a couple issue!
Infertility is a couple issue, today we treat the women even when it’s a male cause!

ReproUnion highlighted by Euronews in Smart Regions season VII
The project was selected for it's high added value for European citizens and for the planet and highlight the bi-national "ReproUnion Biobank and Infertility Cohort” - RUBIC, where data from both...

EU-money to ignite startups within fertility
Fertilitetsforskningssamarbetet Reprounion har fått ny EU-finansiering. Nu ska Öresundssamarbetet, vars totala budget uppgår till mer än 300 miljoner kronor, inkludera och initiera innovationsbolag.

ReproUnion receives EUR 6.7 million to establish an innovation platform in the fight against infertility
In June 2023 ReproUnion was awarded 6.7 million euros to promote innovation in research and treatment of infertility, by establishing an innovation platform with new opportunities to reduce the risk of involuntary childlessness and improve fertility treatment.

New funding to assess if fertility counselling has an impact on family building
The first fertility counselling clinic opened at Rigshospitalet in 2011 with support from ReproUnion. Now the Independent Research Fund Denmark has granted DKK 2 million to Anja Pinborg to investigate whether a decade with 3,700 consultations have led to different family formation patterns.

Independent Research Fund Denmark grants DKK 2 million towards restoring male fertility with new stem cell-based techniques
With the funding the research project wants to show that testicular tissue and spermatogenic stem cells can be frozen and transplanted back into the same man to restore fertility. In this way, both men with non-obstructive azoospermia and long-term survivors of childhood cancer will have an opportunity to have children of their own.