This study is performed at the Fertility Clinic, Rigshospitalet, with support from the fertility clinics at Hvidovre Hospital and Herlev Hospital in Copenhagen.

Hormonal contraception is widely used among women worldwide; nearly 50 % of Danish women use combined oral contraception (COC) at some point of their fertile life. The three main ovarian reserve markers; Anti-Müllerian Hormone (AMH), antral follicle count (AFC) and ovarian volume have been reported to be 30-40% lower in users of COC compared to non-users. The studies, however, were cross-sectional and not longitudinal studies. The ovarian reserve markers reflect the pool of dormant follicles, and due to these characteristics, they are often used in fertility counseling settings. However, during use of COC the interpretation of these markers is very difficult.

Since there is a lack of longitudinal studies about the influence of COC on the ovarian reserve markers, the purpose of this study is to evaluate the ovarian reserve markers after discontinuation of COC in women with a history of long-term COC use. The goal is to investigate when/if the ovarian reserve markers increase after discontinuation of COC.

Another aim is to investigate knowledge and concerns of COC use on future fertility.

Statistical analyses are in progress and no final results exists yet. However, preliminary results suggest an increase in the ovarian reserve markers during a three months period after discontinuation.

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