About ReproUnion

Reproductive Medicine Across Borders

ReproUnion is a cross-border collaboration between Sweden and Denmark within the area of reproductive medicine in the Øresund Region. More than 50 professors and researchers work across disciplines to drive research in the underlying reasons of infertility and to optimize fertility treatment. ReproUnion also works on preventive initiatives to ensure that the society and young people are equipped with the right information to make informed choices about family planning.

As an international pioneer, ReproUnion has established a public-private partnership in reproductive medicine where academia, the healthcare sector, and the life science industry are joining forces to provide the best care with the most modern assisted reproductive technologies to patients in the region. The project is an outstanding example of how we can work together across borders and disciplines to create the best possible conditions for life science research and innovation based on one of the region’s scientific strongholds.

Together we have created a new research paradigm and mindset to meet the demands of managing, treating and preventing infertility and related diseases. Public-private partnerships like ReproUnion are an important part of the solution to the challenges facing our healthcare systems. It´s about science, innovation, and growth, but first and foremost it´s about putting patients´ needs first!

ReproUnion is funded by EU Interreg Interreg Öresund-Kattegat-Skagerrak, the Capital Region of Denmark, Region Skåne and Ferring Pharmaceuticals.

HERE you can watch the film about ReproUnion!

The story of a decade with successful collaboration

The Øresund Region – also known as the Medicon Valley – has a high international position within reproductive medicine. Thanks to the academic and scientific environment, the region is by many being considered to be one of the frontrunners within the field of reproductive medicine. Over the past decade, the region has developed and gained momentum from ReproSund through ReproHigh and ReproUnion with funding from EU Interreg programmes.

  • ReproSund (2010-2013)
  • ReproHigh (2012-2014)
  • ReproUnion 1.0 (2015-2018)

In December 2013, ReproHigh was awarded by the Capital Region of Denmark and the Region Skane the “Oresund Award in Health” – given to ground-breaking collaborations in health research and clinical work.

The Vision

Our vision is to become a world leader in overcoming infertility by forming a strong private-public partnership involving the public hospitals, academic research institutions and the life science industry. It is ambitious but not unrealistic. We will accomplish our vision by focusing on prevention, treatment and further research in reproductive medicine, as well as on education and career development with the ReproUnion Management Unit as one point of entry for partners, researchers, and companies. This will ensure greater efficiency, higher academic standards, and a more effective use of our common resources.

Five reproductive challenges

In 2019 ReproUnion kicked off a new project round, fuelled with enthusiasm from our history and ready to propel the results and competencies towards new solutions and services within reproductive medicine. With the aim of revolutionizing the reproductive field within 10-15 years, we have introduced a paradigm shift in the research strategy – away from a previous focus on several individual research projects to a challenge-driven and consolidated effort. ReproUnion is now focusing our unique triple-helix collaboration on five global reproductive challenges, which are of great individual and social concern:

  1. Improving male fertility: Increase the understanding of how lifestyle, environmental and genetic factors affect male fertility with the goal of developing specialized treatments and preventative measures.
  2. Optimizing reproductive health outcomes: Develop new, cheaper, and more efficient reproductive techniques to reduce societal costs and to minimize the strain women are exposed to during artificial reproductive treatment.
  3. Securing female ovarian function: Reduce the negative impact diseases and treatments have on fertility by increasing the knowledge of the function of the ovary.
  4. Preventing infertility-related morbidity: Investigate how infertility can function as an early marker for common major diseases, which could be prevented through early preventative measures.
  5. Improving fertility awareness: Increase information to the society regarding the impact of lifestyle factors on reproduction and the possibilities of having a family; important information in relation to political decisions and the work of authorities to minimize negative societal consequences.

Find out more in our science section.