Event info

Date:28 Apr - 29 Apr
Venue:Ystad Saltsjöbad, Sweden

The PROGRAMME is now available for the 5th ReproYoung Conference at the wonderful Ystad Saltsjöbad in Sweden, where participants will be enriched and inspired!

At the conference the ReproYoung network will share research projects, exchange knowledge and discuss challenges through selected oral presentations, comprehensive poster walks and exciting scientific debates. You can still SIGN UP if you would like to join.

We encourage everyone to participate actively in the conference. Abstracts should be submitted by filling in this template and emailing it to ReproYoung@gmail.com no later than March 28th, 2022 (also the deadline for registration). Please note that some abstracts will be selected for oral presentation and the rest will be presented as posters.

Our mission is to bring young researchers and clinicians working in the area of fertility and reproduction together to build a network, where we can share our knowledge. We aim to create a network of engaged and enthusiastic people, who wish to expand their scientific horizon and benefit from this collaborative work-society.

We look forward to seeing you on the 28-29th of April,