
News regarding ReproUnion 2.0

Nov 28, 2018

This month has been a remarkable time for ReproUnion. On Tuesday the 20th we hosted the closing conference of ReproUnion 2018. The conference marked the end of our three years EU financed research project within reproductive medicine. Today, we can finally announce that we have received the good news that ReproUnion has been granted funding for the continuance of the ReproUnion project – we call it ReproUnion 2.0.

We are very pleased about the decision and would like to congratulate everyone that has been involved and worked hard and tirelessly with ReproUnion, and at the same time has seen the importance of a continuance and moved that idea forward. We are also very excited to see what the future of ReproUnion 2.0 will bring as a result to our stakeholders.

The new partnership has a different structure and is organized around five major future challenges within reproductive medicine, which are of great individual and societal concern. There five challenges will be the focus of future collaboration for the coming three years.

These are the five Challenges: 

  1. Improvement of human male fertility

 It is believed that at least half of the cases of infertility are related to the impairment of male fertility. This challenge focuses on understanding the genetic and biological determinants of male fertility to be able to develop specialized treatments as well as implement preventive measures aiming to improve the reproductive function of future generations.


  1. Optimizing medically assisted reproductive treatment to infertile couples

The aim of this challenge is to improve, expand, and simplify the treatment of infertile couples. More specifically, the focus lies on improving and personalizing current treatments, optimizing laboratory protocols, and innovating novel assisted reproductive technologies.


  1. Securing female ovarian function

This challenge addresses the conflict women is facing today between more women having children later in life and her fertility, i.e. the number of eggs or ability to sustain the pregnancy is decreasing with age. The aim of this challenge is to alleviate these problems by gaining detailed knowledge of ovarian function, which can be used to establish a model which, in turn, can be applied for future treatment.


  1. Prevention of infertility-related morbidity

Recent research indicates that men and women suffering from infertility may be at increased risk of shorter life expectancy and acquire medical problems, e.g. cardiovascular and metabolic diseases, cancer, and osteoporosis when they age. This challenge focuses on how fertility, which may represent an ideal universal marker of later health, can be used for preventive measures.


  1. Improved fertility awareness to prevent reproductive diseases and support family building

The aim is to increase the fertility awareness level and knowledge concerning reproductive health generally in society in order to ensure that young people are equipped with the right information to make an informed choice about their own fertility journey. And that legislative and administrative bodies are equipped with available evidence-based information enabling prioritized decision making including also reproductive consequences.

Read more about the news on the following links (the articles are only in Swedish or Danish):



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