ReproUnion will be attending Folkemødet on Bornholm.
Grænseløse pep-talks med efterfølgende mingel
Hør hvad EU-penge kan bruges på og mød projektaktører fra Interreg ÖKS programmet: “Hvordan fremmer en ny dansk-svensk innovationsplatform reproduktive løsninger, der kan forbedre fertiliteten?” 5 min. pep-talk from ReproUnion Project Lead Kristine Koppelhus.
Date: Thursday 13 June
Time: 16.00 – 17.00
Tent: G7 – €URO-TELTET
Henriette S. Nielsen, Clinical Professor at University of Copenhagen and Consultant, Depart. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Hvidovre Hospital will be participating in the debate “Kvinders sundhed i frit fald – er tiden inde til handling?”. Henriette is heading the recruitment of couples for the ReproUnion Biobank and Infertility Cohort – RUBIC at Hvidovre hospital and are active in different research projects and initiatives within infertility and women’s health.
Date: Friday 14 June
Time: 13.00 – 13.45
Tent: K1 Apoteltet READ MORE>>
Sandra S. Tøttenborg, Head of Environmental Research and Associate Professor will be participating in a debate about PFAS “Historien om PFAS”. Sandra’s role in ReproUnion Biobank and Infertility Cohort – RUBIC is to identify how occupational and chemical exposures affect infertility with a special emphasis on mixture-effects/cocltail-effects of the multiple simultaneous chemicals young people in their reproductive ages are exposed to on a daily basis.
Date: Saturday 15 June
Time: 13.30 – 14.00
Tent: C30 READ MORE>>
You are welcome to reach out to us for engagement:
Kristine Koppelhus, Project Lead, ReproUnion,, +45 20 62 68 28