We invite you to watch the live-streaming from the 45 min debate at Folkemødet right here!
Medicon Valley Alliance and ReproUnion are honoured to present a strong panel with the Danish Minister of Health and political health representatives from the Danish Regions and municipality of Copenhagen, as well as Søren Ziebe who heads up our Fertility Awareness challenge. We look forward to hearing their views on how to deliver on fertility strategies, initiatives and preventive measures!
Based on the declining fertility rates and reproductive challenges, which both Denmark and many parts of the world are experiencing, the high-level debate will tune in on demographics, the future work force, and health-inequalities in Denmark. The challenges are significant, and the potential solutions depend on whether the perspective is national, regional or local.
The debate takes place on the first day of Folkemødet, which is the annual celebration of the Danish democracy with a packed program of debates, speeches, workshops and much more, arranged by political parties, grassroot-movements and associations, representing charities, cultural institutions, businesses etc.
Here you can find the names of the panel and further details about the debate (in Danish)