ReproTalk by ReproYoung

ReproTalk by ReproYoung

Exploring parenthood – Is it important to have children? and what happens when biology becomes an enemy? ReproYoung invites you to the relaunch of ReproYoung 2.0, a society of young researchers within the reproductive area, and to the first edition of our new...
5th ReproYoung Conference

5th ReproYoung Conference

The PROGRAMME is now available for the 5th ReproYoung Conference at the wonderful Ystad Saltsjöbad in Sweden, where participants will be enriched and inspired! At the conference the ReproYoung network will share research projects, exchange knowledge and discuss...

ReproYoung Conference 2015

Our Aim: We wish to provide a platform for young researchers to network and with a second ReproYoung Conference we follow up on the success of our first ReproYoung conference in October  2013 at Örenäs Castle in Sweden. The purpose of the conference is to offer all...